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Note: Premium Partners receive an automatic sponsorship of the annual meeting which includes two seats and your logo in the program. If you would like additional recognition at the event, please consider an Event Sonsorship. Details below.
The Greater Ellettsville Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Annual Meeting & Awards Program recognizes and celebrates the work, leadership, and progress of its members and our community.
Ellettsville Chamber Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner
Thursday, October 26, 2023
6:00 p.m.
Ellettsville Christian Church Family Life Center
Would your business like to sponsor this event? There are several sponsorship levels available:
Event Sponsor – $500
Name/logo prominently displayed on invitation and all electronic communications
Logo included on event sign-up page on website
Recognition at event including logo on table, in program and from stage
Eight (8) seats for your guests and VIP seating
Table Sponsor – $350
Name/logo on table
Name/logo included in program
Four (4) seats for your guests
Award Sponsor – $200
Name/logo included in program
Recognition from stage as award recipient is announced
Sponsor the Guest of an Award Winner – $25 each
Provide the cost of one meal to help offset the charge for an award winner’s guest to attend the event.