On March 11, 2024 Captain Matt Siebott was honored with the Distinguished Service Medal by the Ellettsville Town Council, with Council President Scott Oldham presiding over the presentation ceremony. This recognition was bestowed upon Captain Siebott in acknowledgment of his exemplary actions which resulted in saving the life of an Indianapolis police officer.
While off duty and en route to Indianapolis with his family, Captain Siebott encountered a serious vehicle accident involving an Indianapolis police officer. Swift to act, Captain Siebott identified himself to an officer involved at the scene and together they provided vital aid to the seriously injured officer. Their collaborative efforts led to the successful extraction of the officer from his damaged patrol car, initiating immediate emergency medical procedures such as securing the airway and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Through their prompt actions, the injured officer regained a pulse and he began breathing on his own. Captain Siebott diligently continued administering medical care until the ambulance arrived to transport the injured officer to the hospital.
The importance of this award was made clear by Town Council President Oldham. He stated that he has been involved with the Town Council for over 15 years and this was the first time the Distinguished Service Award has been presented.
We extend heartfelt congratulations to Captain Matt Siebott for his well-deserved commendation. Photo credits: Ellettsville Fire Department Photographer, Calvin Poole.

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